Orisha Eleke Beads

An Orisha is often said to be a deity. However, defining an Orisha as a deity does not do justice to the concept, in large part because the term 'deity' often suggests a sort of anthropomorphic supernatural entity.
An Orisha, may be said to raise when a divine power to command and make things happen converges with a natural force, a deified ancestor, and an object that witnesses and supports that convergence and alignment.
Therefore, an Orisha, is a complex multi-dimensional unity linking people, objects, and powers. There are a variety of Orishas said to correspond to different colours and we can make offerings of their favourite things in order for them to recognise us and our needs and come to our aid when we need them.
Orisha beads can be used alongside other practices. Most famously, Orunmila is often believed to rule over many divination practices. This collaboration with the ruler of knowledge and wisdom can enhance an already vital practice.
At Alasheola Herb and spiritual we have Orisha beads in forms of spiritually charged ilekes, necklaces, anklet chains, bracelets, waist beads, rings, earrings that are specially charged with individual Orisha's energy.
If you’re looking for help and assistance from a higher power to find answers and link to the powers available to you, contact the experts here at Alasheola. We can help you find the right beads for your needs and your practice.
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